Claypalooza 2 with the Las Cruces Museum of Art and the Potters' Guild of Las Cruces

Claypalooza 2 with the Las Cruces Museum of Art and the Potters' Guild of Las Cruces

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City Council Recap for Sept. 7, 2021

City Council Recap for Sept. 7, 2021

The table of the Resolution was approved by the Council at its Tuesday, Sept. 7, 2021 meeting at City Hall.

Call for Volunteers for Team up to Clean Up District 2 Event

Volunteers are needed! Get rid of weeds, trash, junk, graffiti and other debris in your neighborhood the Team Up to Clean Up way!

Listen to Your Art at the Las Cruces Museum of Art

Listen to Your Art at the Las Cruces Museum of Art

Listen to Your Art at the Las Cruces Museum of Art

Police Seek Vehicle Driven Near Homicide Scene

Las Cruces police are asking for the public’s help identifying the driver of a car captured on surveillance cameras near the scene of a homicide that occurred Sunday morning.

City Council to Meet September 7

City Council to Meet September 7

The Las Cruces City Council will meet at 1 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 7, 2021 in Council Chambers at City Hall, 700 N. Main St. for a regularly scheduled meeting.