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City of Albuquerque City Council met Feb. 21


City of Albuquerque City Council met Feb. 21.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:


Present 9 - Joaquín Baca, Brook Bassan, Dan Champine, Tammy Fiebelkorn, Renée Grout, Dan Lewis, Klarissa Peña, Nichole Rogers, and Louie Sanchez


Councilor Champine led the Pledge of Allegiance in English.

Councilor Sanchez led the Pledge of Allegiance in Spanish.



February 5, 2024



Finance & Government Operations Committee - February 12, 2024


a. O-24-1 C/S Administrative Demolition Of Unsafe Commercial Buildings, Unsafe Accessory Structures, Or Dwellings Unfit For Human Habitation,

Adopting A New Article In Chapter 14, And Amending The Uniform

Housing Code, Chapter 14, Article 3 (Bassan, by request)

A motion was made by Vice-President Grout that this matter be Postponed to

March 4, 2024. The motion carried by the following vote:

For: 8 - Baca, Champine, Fiebelkorn, Grout, Lewis, Peña, Rogers, and Sanchez

Excused: 1 - Bassan

8. CONSENT AGENDA: {Items may be removed at the request of any Councilor}

a. EC-24-2 Approval of Long Range Transit Security Program Study and Plan

A motion was made by Vice-President Grout that this matter be Approved. The motion carried by the following vote:

For: 8 - Baca, Champine, Fiebelkorn, Grout, Lewis, Peña, Rogers, and Sanchez

Excused: 1 - Bassan

b. EC-24-6 Mayor’s Recommendation of Award (ROA) for RFP No. RFP-2023-478-VAR-EV “Grant Consulting Services”

A motion was made by Vice-President Grout that this matter be Approved. The motion carried by the following vote:

For: 8 - Baca, Champine, Fiebelkorn, Grout, Lewis, Peña, Rogers, and Sanchez

Excused: 1 - Bassan

d. EC-24-10 Mayor's appointment of Mr. Jarrod Likar to the Environmental Planning Commission

A motion was made by Vice-President Grout that this matter be Confirmed. The motion carried by the following vote:

For: 8 - Baca, Champine, Fiebelkorn, Grout, Lewis, Peña, Rogers, and Sanchez

Excused: 1 - Bassan

e. EC-24-15 Mayor's re-appointment of Mr. Louis Carlentine to the Senior Affairs Advisory Council

A motion was made by Vice-President Grout that this matter be Confirmed. The motion carried by the following vote:

For: 8 - Baca, Champine, Fiebelkorn, Grout, Lewis, Peña, Rogers, and Sanchez

Excused: 1 - Bassan

f. EC-24-16 Mayor's reappointment of Jon D. Word to the Airport Advisory Board

A motion was made by Vice-President Grout that this matter be Confirmed. The motion carried by the following vote:

For: 8 - Baca, Champine, Fiebelkorn, Grout, Lewis, Peña, Rogers, and Sanchez

Excused: 1 - Bassan

g. EC-24-17 Mayor's appointment of Ms. Elaine W. Howe to the Water Protection Advisory Board

A motion was made by Vice-President Grout that this matter be Confirmed. The motion carried by the following vote:

For: 8 - Baca, Champine, Fiebelkorn, Grout, Lewis, Peña, Rogers, and Sanchez

Excused: 1 - Bassan

h. EC-24-18 Mayor's appointment of Mr. Dhruv P. Grandhe to the Youth Advisory Council

A motion was made by Vice-President Grout that this matter be Confirmed. The motion carried by the following vote:

For: 8 - Baca, Champine, Fiebelkorn, Grout, Lewis, Peña, Rogers, and Sanchez

Excused: 1 - Bassan

i. EC-24-20 Mayor's re-appointment of Ms. Cathy Intemann to the Greater Albuquerque Recreational Trails Committee

A motion was made by Vice-President Grout that this matter be Confirmed. The motion carried by the following vote:

For: 8 - Baca, Champine, Fiebelkorn, Grout, Lewis, Peña, Rogers, and Sanchez

Excused: 1 - Bassan

j. EC-24-21 Mayor's appointment of Ms. Hylye R. Montoya to the Youth Advisory Council

A motion was made by Vice-President Grout that this matter be Confirmed. The motion carried by the following vote:

For: 8 - Baca, Champine, Fiebelkorn, Grout, Lewis, Peña, Rogers, and Sanchez

Excused: 1 - Bassan

k. EC-24-22 Mayor's appointment of Ms. Tara Trafton to the Albuquerque Energy Council

A motion was made by Vice-President Grout that this matter be Confirmed. The motion carried by the following vote:

For: 8 - Baca, Champine, Fiebelkorn, Grout, Lewis, Peña, Rogers, and Sanchez

Excused: 1 - Bassan

l. EC-24-23 Mayor's appointment of Ms. Vivian D. Wiseman to the Youth Advisory Council

A motion was made by Vice-President Grout that this matter be Confirmed. The motion carried by the following vote:

For: 8 - Baca, Champine, Fiebelkorn, Grout, Lewis, Peña, Rogers, and Sanchez

Excused: 1 - Bassan

m. EC-24-24 Mayor's appointment of Mr. Andoni Urioste to the Youth Advisory Council

A motion was made by Vice-President Grout that this matter be Confirmed. The motion carried by the following vote:

For: 8 - Baca, Champine, Fiebelkorn, Grout, Lewis, Peña, Rogers, and Sanchez

Excused: 1 - Bassan

n. EC-24-25 Mayor's appointment of Alexandra M. Lilley to the Youth Advisory Council

A motion was made by Vice-President Grout that this matter be Confirmed. The motion carried by the following vote:

For: 8 - Baca, Champine, Fiebelkorn, Grout, Lewis, Peña, Rogers, and Sanchez

Excused: 1 - Bassan

o. EC-24-26 Mayor’s re-appointment of Dr. Ian Medoro to the EMS Medical Control Board

A motion was made by Vice-President Grout that this matter be Withdrawn by Administration. The motion carried by the following vote:

For: 8 - Baca, Champine, Fiebelkorn, Grout, Lewis, Peña, Rogers, and Sanchez

Excused: 1 - Bassan

p. EC-24-27 Mayor's appointment of Ms. Martha S. Barrera to the Youth Advisory Council

A motion was made by Vice-President Grout that this matter be Confirmed. The motion carried by the following vote:

For: 8 - Baca, Champine, Fiebelkorn, Grout, Lewis, Peña, Rogers, and Sanchez

Excused: 1 - Bassan

q. EC-24-28 Mayor's appointment of Dr. Joseph P. Sanchez to the Older American’s Act Advisory Council

A motion was made by Vice-President Grout that this matter be Confirmed. The motion carried by the following vote:

For: 8 - Baca, Champine, Fiebelkorn, Grout, Lewis, Peña, Rogers, and Sanchez

Excused: 1 - Bassan

r. EC-24-29 Mayor's re-appointment of Mrs. Leticia Galvez Trujillo to the Human Rights Board

A motion was made by Vice-President Grout that this matter be Confirmed. The motion carried by the following vote:

For: 8 - Baca, Champine, Fiebelkorn, Grout, Lewis, Peña, Rogers, and Sanchez

Excused: 1 - Bassan

s. EC-24-30 Mayor's appointment of Mr. Dustin Berg to the Greater Albuquerque Recreational Trails Committee

A motion was made by Vice-President Grout that this matter be Confirmed. The motion carried by the following vote:

For: 8 - Baca, Champine, Fiebelkorn, Grout, Lewis, Peña, Rogers, and Sanchez

Excused: 1 - Bassan

t. EC-24-32 Legal Department’s Quarterly Litigation Report for the 1st Quarter of FY 2024 (Greater than 10,000)

A motion was made by Vice-President Grout that this matter be Receipt Be Noted. The motion carried by the following vote:

For: 8 - Baca, Champine, Fiebelkorn, Grout, Lewis, Peña, Rogers, and Sanchez

Excused: 1 - Bassan

u. EC-24-34 Presentation of FY23 Audit

A motion was made by Vice-President Grout that this matter be Receipt Be Noted. The motion carried by the following vote:

For: 8 - Baca, Champine, Fiebelkorn, Grout, Lewis, Peña, Rogers, and Sanchez

Excused: 1 - Bassan

w. EC-24-37 Mayor's appointment of Ms. Mahlet T. Habteyes to the Youth Advisory Council

A motion was made by Vice-President Grout that this matter be Confirmed. The motion carried by the following vote:

For: 8 - Baca, Champine, Fiebelkorn, Grout, Lewis, Peña, Rogers, and Sanchez

Excused: 1 - Bassan

y. EC-24-39 Mayor's appointment of Mr. Lawrence Rael to the Middle Rio Grande Housing Collaborative

A motion was made by Vice-President Grout that this matter be Confirmed. The motion carried by the following vote:

For: 8 - Baca, Champine, Fiebelkorn, Grout, Lewis, Peña, Rogers, and Sanchez

Excused: 1 - Bassan

*z. EC-24-42 Mayor’s Recommendation Of Award For RFP-2023-481-ENH-EV CPRG Public Engagement Services

A motion was made by Vice-President Grout that this matter be Approved. The motion carried by the following vote:

For: 8 - Baca, Champine, Fiebelkorn, Grout, Lewis, Peña, Rogers, and Sanchez

Excused: 1 - Bassan

*aa. EC-24-44 Mayor’s Recommendation Of Award For RFP-2023-482-ENH-EV “CPRG Environmental Consulting”

A motion was made by Vice-President Grout that this matter be Approved. The motion carried by the following vote:

For: 8 - Baca, Champine, Fiebelkorn, Grout, Lewis, Peña, Rogers, and Sanchez

Excused: 1 - Bassan

ab. OC-24-5 Appointment of Mr. Kenneth J. Pascoe, PHD to the Public Safety Tax Advisory Board

A motion was made by Vice-President Grout that this matter be Confirmed. The motion carried by the following vote:

For: 8 - Baca, Champine, Fiebelkorn, Grout, Lewis, Peña, Rogers, and Sanchez

Excused: 1 - Bassan

ac. OC-24-6 Correction of Renn Halstead to the Environmental Planning Commission

A motion was made by Vice-President Grout that this matter be Receipt Be Noted. The motion carried by the following vote:

For: 8 - Baca, Champine, Fiebelkorn, Grout, Lewis, Peña, Rogers, and Sanchez

Excused: 1 - Bassan

ad. R-24-1 Amending The Adopted Capital Implementation Program Of The City Of Albuquerque By Supplementing Current Appropriations (Peña, by request)

A motion was made by Vice-President Grout that this matter be Passed. The motion carried by the following vote:

For: 8 - Baca, Champine, Fiebelkorn, Grout, Lewis, Peña, Rogers, and Sanchez

Excused: 1 - Bassan

ae. R-24-12 Directing The City To Collaborate With The Mountain View Neighborhood Regarding Pollution Concerns And Develop A Proposal For Pollution Abatement And Adjusting Fiscal Year 2024 Operating Appropriations And Adjusting Capital Appropriations (Peña)

A motion was made by Vice-President Grout that this matter be Postponed to March 4, 2024. The motion carried by the following vote:

For: 8 - Baca, Champine, Fiebelkorn, Grout, Lewis, Peña, Rogers, and Sanchez

Excused: 1 - Bassan

13. APPROVALS: {Contracts, Agreements, and Appointments}

c. EC-24-8 Mayor's Re-Appointment of Ms. Skye Morris-Devore to the Lodgers’ Tax Advisory Board

A motion was made by Councilor Rogers that this matter be Postponed to March 4, 2024. The motion carried by the following vote:

For: 9 - Baca, Bassan, Champine, Fiebelkorn, Grout, Lewis, Peña, Rogers, and Sanchez

v. EC-24-36 Mayor's re-appointment of Mr. Bruce Perlman to the Labor-Management Board

A motion was made by President Lewis that this matter be Withdrawn by Administration. The motion carried by the following vote:

For: 9 - Baca, Bassan, Champine, Fiebelkorn, Grout, Lewis, Peña, Rogers, and Sanchez

x. EC-24-38 Mayor's appointment of Ms. Sharla Parsons to the Albuquerque Housing Authority Board

A motion was made by President Lewis that this matter be Withdrawn by Administration. The motion carried by the following vote:

For: 9 - Baca, Bassan, Champine, Fiebelkorn, Grout, Lewis, Peña, Rogers, and Sanchez





13. APPROVALS: {Contracts, Agreements, and Appointments} a. EC-23-383 Declaring 508 1st Street NW Not Essential Municipal Purpose

A motion was made by President Lewis that this matter be Postponed to March

4, 2024. The motion carried by the following vote:

For: 9 - Baca, Bassan, Champine, Fiebelkorn, Grout, Lewis, Peña, Rogers, and Sanchez

b. EC-23-391 Mayor's appointment of Dr. Michael Wartell to the Personnel Board

A motion was made by President Lewis that this matter be Confirmed. The motion failed by the following vote:

For: 0

Against: 9 - Baca, Bassan, Champine, Fiebelkorn, Grout, Lewis, Peña, Rogers, and Sanchez

c. OC-24-4 Appointment of Member to the Accountability in Government Oversight Committee

A motion was made by Vice-President Grout that this matter be Withdrawn.

The motion carried by the following vote:

For: 6 - Baca, Bassan, Champine, Grout, Lewis, and Sanchez

Against: 3 - Fiebelkorn, Peña, and Rogers


b. R-24-3 Directing The Administration To Create A Program For The Disposal Of Human Feces On Properties In The City Of Albuquerque (Fiebelkorn, Rogers)

A motion was made by Councilor Fiebelkorn that this matter be Amended.

Councilor Fiebelkorn moved Amendment No. 1. The motion carried by the following vote:

For: 9 - Baca, Bassan, Champine, Fiebelkorn, Grout, Lewis, Peña, Rogers, and Sanchez

A motion was made by Councilor Fiebelkorn that this matter be Passed as Amended. The motion carried by the following vote:

For: 9 - Baca, Bassan, Champine, Fiebelkorn, Grout, Lewis, Peña, Rogers, and Sanchez

c. R-24-10 Creating A Central Avenue Right Of Way Improvements Project Between 1st And 8th Streets, Creating A Project To Convert Marquette And Tijeras Avenues To Two-Way Roadways, Establishing Priorities, And

Rescinding Resolution 23-143 (Baca)

A motion was made by Councilor Baca that this matter be Passed. The motion carried by the following vote:

For: 9 - Baca, Bassan, Champine, Fiebelkorn, Grout, Lewis, Peña, Rogers, and Sanchez

d. R-24-11 Directing The Albuquerque Police Department, The Albuquerque Community Safety Department, And The Albuquerque Planning Department To Report And Present To The City Council On A Quarterly Basis On Initiatives To Prepare Central Avenue Throughout City Limits For The Route 66 Centennial Celebration; Establishing The Method For Reporting And Presenting As Mandated In Resolution-23-175 (Peña, Grout)

A motion was made by Councilor Peña that this matter be Passed. The motion carried by the following vote:

9 -

For: 9 - Baca, Bassan, Champine, Fiebelkorn, Grout, Lewis, Peña, Rogers, and Sanchez

e. M-24-2 Declaring Support For Proposed State Legislation Regarding Criminal Competency Determination (House Bill 233 And Senate Bill 16) (Baca, Bassan)

A motion was made by Councilor Baca that this matter be Amended. Councilor Baca moved Amendment No. 1. The motion carried by the following vote:

For: 8 - Baca, Bassan, Champine, Fiebelkorn, Grout, Lewis, Rogers, and Sanchez

Against: 1 - Peña

A motion was made by Councilor Baca that this matter be Passed as Amended.

The motion carried by the following vote:

For: 6 - Baca, Bassan, Champine, Fiebelkorn, Grout, and Sanchez

Against: 3 - Lewis, Peña, and Rogers

15. OTHER BUSINESS: {Reports, Presentations, and Other Items}

There being no further business, this City Council meeting adjourned at 7:13 p.m.


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