City of Albuquerque Land Use, Planning, and Zoning Committee met Feb. 15

City of Albuquerque Land Use, Planning, and Zoning Committee met Feb. 15.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

Present 5 -

a. OC-23-25 Appointment of Mr. Giovanni Coppola to the Environmental Planning Commission

A motion was made by Councilor Lewis that this matter be Sent to Council with

a recommendation of Be Confirmed. The motion carried by the following vote:

For: 5 - Fiebelkorn, Benton, Grout, Jones, and Lewis

b. R-23-98 Amending The Level A Community Master Plan For Mesa Del Sol To Designate An Approximately 500 Acre Site As A Portion Of The Employment Center (Davis, by request)

A motion was made by Councilor Fiebelkorn that this matter be Sent to Council with a recommendation of Do Pass. The motion carried by the following vote:

For: 5 - Fiebelkorn, Benton, Grout, Jones, and Lewis

A motion was made by Councilor Fiebelkorn that this matter be Sent to Council for Immediate Action. The motion carried by the following vote:

For: 5 - Fiebelkorn, Benton, Grout, Jones, and Lewis

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