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New Episodes from Tipping Point New Mexico


New Episodes from Tipping Point New Mexico.


Tipping Point New Mexico

Public policy podcast of the Rio Grande Foundation

In the 10/02/2021 edition:

340 Vance Ginn – Texas Public Policy Foundation Economist

By Wally Drangmeister on Sep 30, 2021 03:49 pm

On this week’s podcast interview Paul sits down with Vance Ginn, Chief Economist at the Texas Public Policy Foundation. The Foundation is the RGF’s “sister” think tank in Texas.

Paul and Vance begin with a discussion of Vance’s time in Washington working with the Trump Administration. They have a candid discussion about some of the successes and failures of the previous president on important economic issues.

Vance and Paul move on to a discussion of Texas, it’s economy, and comparisons with Florida and big blue states like California and New York. They address the numerous qualities and policies that make Texas an attractive destination as well as some things that Texas still needs to improve upon. They also discuss New Mexico and its situation relative to these four major states.

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339 Vaccination Not Required at Balloon Fiesta, Will Europe’s Energy Crisis Spread?, Why Joe Biden is worse than Jimmy Carter

By Wally Drangmeister on Sep 28, 2021 02:30 pm

The Balloon Fiesta pushed back against MLG by NOT requiring vaccines. MLG was NOT amused.

Pfizer booster shots now available to some “at-risk” groups. Biden received his already while wearing a MASK.

The FDA pushed back against “universal” booster which directly contradicted Biden Administration statements.

The political wrangling between the Biden Administration, the FDA, and the CDC has been fascinating.

Comparing Blue and Red States economically.

Europe is facing an energy crisis driven by “green” politics on energy.

Paul wrote a piece for National Review in which he discussed why Joe Biden is worse than Jimmy Carter.

Down in the polls the United Soccer team’s ownership puts up some cash for their proposed stadium. Is it enough?

40% increase in teacher retirement, but why? Paul and Wally discuss.

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Tipping Point New Mexico on the Air!

The Rio Grande Foundation's Podcast, Tipping Point New Mexico, airs every Thursday at 5:00 PM on KHII 88-9 FM Cloudcroft, 100.5 FM Alamogordo, and KEDU 102.3 FM Ruidoso with host Bob Flotte.

Tipping Point will also be aired on Gallup stations 98.3 FM and 1230 AM KYVA on Sundays from 7:30am to 8:00am. 

Your friend in liberty,

Paul Gessing, President


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