New Mexico Sun

News from March 2024

Faculty Focus: Chaitanya Mahajan Revolutionizing Additive Manufacturing at NMSU

Industrial engineering Assistant Professor Chaitanya Mahajan recently shared his enthusiasm for interdisciplinary research and collaboration at New Mexico State University (NMSU). Mahajan, who joined the NMSU faculty in April 2023, focuses on synthesizing new functional materials and designing print strategies for multi-material deposition techniques.Speaking about his experience at NMSU, Mahajan expressed his passion for interdisciplinary research, stating, “Interdisciplinary research is my favorite aspect of working at NMSU. It fosters a culture of collaboration and...

Empowering High Schoolers Through Constitutional Literacy Project

High school students participating in the Marshall-Brennan Constitutional Literacy Project are gaining valuable insights into their constitutional rights and legal careers. Junior Areli Garcia, a participant in the project, emphasized the importance of understanding rights when dealing with law enforcement, stating, "I would say I'm sorry, officer, but I do not consent to any searches."The project, led by law students serving as Marshall-Brennan Fellows, aims to educate underserved high school students about their rights and inspire them to consider pursuing law careers....

NMSU Electrical Engineering Students’ Papers Accepted for American Control Conference

Two electrical and computer engineering students from New Mexico State University, Diego Said Chavez Arana and Omar Alejandro Garcia Alcantara, have had papers accepted for publication at the prestigious American Control Conference to be held in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, in July.Diego Said Chavez Arana’s paper will be featured in the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers journal Communications Letters, while Omar Alejandro Garcia Alcantara’s paper will be presented at the American Control Conference. Luis Rodolfo Garcia Carrillo, assistant professor of...

UROC showcases the best of undergraduate research

The upcoming Undergraduate Research Opportunity Conference (UROC) at The University of New Mexico is set to highlight the innovative research projects of undergraduate students from various disciplines. According to the Director of URAD, Tim Schroeder, UROC provides students with a platform to present their research and interact with the academic community."Students can enter up to three times with one entry for each review/evaluation of each of the following: three poster presentations, three oral presentations, or eight UROC 180 presentations," stated the Engineering...

Possible Quorum at Citizen Police Academy Training on March 28, 2024

The Civilian Police Oversight Advisory Board has issued a notice regarding a potential quorum at the upcoming Citizen Police Academy training session. The event is scheduled to take place on March 28, 2024, at the Albuquerque Police Academy located on 5412 2nd Street NW, Albuquerque, NM, 87107.According to the advisory board, "A quorum of the Civilian Police Oversight Advisory Board may be in attendance at the Albuquerque Police Academy, 5412 2nd Street NW, Albuquerque, NM, 87107, regarding the Citizen Police Academy." However, they have clarified that "No Board business...

NMSU to host Fulbright Week beginning today

New Mexico State University will host Fulbright Week this week featuring four sessions on Fulbright opportunities for both students and faculty. According to Andrea Orzoff, director of the Fellowships Office at NMSU, the Fulbright Program provides students with the chance to explore opportunities beyond the United States. Orzoff emphasized, "Through Fulbright, NMSU students have won full funding for an academic year, to do amazing things outside the U.S." She added, "They have earned master’s degrees in the United Kingdom, taught English in Romania, and researched arid-land...

EL Rancho Senior Center to Temporarily Close for Facility Upgrades

Santa Fe, NM- Effective April 1, 2024, the Santa Fe County Senior Services Division will temporarily close the El Rancho Senior Center to commence Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) facility upgrades. These renovations are aimed at enhancing the center's facilities to better serve the needs of our senior citizens."The indoor upgrades will be completed over a short duration of 7 weeks, after which seniors can return to the facility while outdoor improvements are finalized."To ensure the safety of our seniors and minimize disruptions to services, grab and go meals for...

2024 Personnel Board Election Announcement in Albuquerque

The City of Albuquerque has announced an upcoming electronic election to fill a vacancy on the Personnel Board. City employees have the opportunity to nominate candidates for this position by submitting a petition to the Office of the City Clerk.According to the announcement, only permanent City employees are eligible to nominate candidates for the election. The nomination process requires detailed information about the nominee, including their name, address, telephone number, email, occupation, and certification of residency in Albuquerque for at least one year....

A new look at Grand Canyon springs and possible threats from uranium mining

A new research paper published in Annual Reviews of Earth and Planetary Sciences sheds light on the significance of Grand Canyon's springs and groundwater, as well as the potential threats posed by uranium mining. The paper, titled Hydrotectonics of Grand Canyon Groundwater, emphasizes the importance of sustainable groundwater management and the need for better monitoring to address uranium mining threats.Distinguished Professor Karl Karlstrom from the Department of Earth & Planetary Sciences at The University of New Mexico, one of the authors of the paper, highlighted...

City Announces Key Staffing Updates

The City of Albuquerque has announced key staffing updates by filling two critical leadership roles to ensure the consistent delivery of services and citywide operations. Mariela Ruiz-Angel has been appointed as the Associate Chief Administrative Officer (ACAO), while Nathan Martinez has taken on the role of Director of the General Services Department (GSD).Mayor Tim Keller expressed his gratitude for the appointments, stating, "We are very fortunate to have both Mariela and Nathan continuing their work for the City in these new roles."Mariela Ruiz-Angel, who hails from...

Small Businesses Can Apply for Storefront Repair Grants Through New Program

The Small Business Storefront Repair Program has recently been launched, offering small businesses the opportunity to apply for up to $2,500 in grant funding to assist with repairing storefront property damages. The funds are specifically designated for damages that occurred on or after January 1, 2021, providing support for businesses to address both current and past damages out of pocket. Applications are now open for businesses that have been operational since May 11, 2023.ABC Printing on Main Street is among the businesses that have already benefited from this...

Santa Fe River Commission met Feb. 15

Santa Fe River Commission met Thursday, Feb. 15

Travel is revived for Arabic language students in recent trip to Oman

For the first time since before the pandemic, seven students were able to participate in a two-week-long trip to Nizwa, Oman. Thanks to the opportunity provided by the Department of Languages, Cultures, & Literatures (LCL), students deepened their connection to the Arabic language and culture.Janice Biondo, an undergraduate student at LCL, expressed her excitement about the trip, stating, “I wanted to improve my Arabic and experience living in an Arab country and experience the culture, food, and people up close and firsthand. There's no substitute for studying the...

City of Santa Fe Occupancy Tax Advisory Board met March 22

City of Santa Fe Occupancy Tax Advisory Board met Friday, March 22

City of Santa Fe Sister Cities Committee met March 20

City of Santa Fe Sister Cities Committee met Wednesday, March 20

City of Santa Fe Veterans Advisory Board met March 19

City of Santa Fe Veterans Advisory Board met Tuesday, March 19

City of Santa Fe Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee met March 19

City of Santa Fe Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee met Tuesday, March 19

City of Santa Fe Public Library Board met March 19

City of Santa Fe Public Library Board met Tuesday, March 19

City of Santa Fe Public Works and Utilities Committee met March 18

City of Santa Fe Public Works and Utilities Committee met Monday, March 18

City of Santa Fe Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee met March 14

City of Santa Fe Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee met Thursday, March 14