New Mexico House Government, Elections & Indian Affairs Committee

State Government: Elected Officials | State Legislative Committee

Recent News About New Mexico House Government, Elections & Indian Affairs Committee

  • NM green amendment advocate: The bill ‘will enhance environmental protection’

    Maya K. van Rossum, the founder of Green Amendments For The Generations, said the New Mexico Green Amendment will improve environmental protection in New Mexico by ensuring that all levels of government integrate "environmental rights" into their daily operations, addressing issues early and cost-effectively, and strengthening laws to protect communities. Rossum made her statement at the House Government, Elections, and Indian Affairs Committee meeting on February 3, 2025.

  • NMCC public policy director: ‘The Chamber of Commerce stands in opposition’ to the green amendment

    Allison Riley, public policy director for the New Mexico Chamber of Commerce (NMCC), said the chamber opposes the New Mexico Green Amendment as the “undefined” terms could lead to lawsuits and “project delays,” despite the state’s “strong environmental laws.”Riley made her statement at the New Mexico House Government, Elections, and Indian Affairs Committee meeting on February 3, 2025.